Why Write Anything?

We write to communicate. We write to connect.

Yet the majority of our efforts to communicate and connect through writing are not really getting through. Why?

We, as readers, are inundated with more words today, everyday, than ever.

How can we write for one another, not at each other?

Enter: Smart Brevity, an approach shared here by founder of Politico and Axios, Jim VandeHei.

My dear friend and colleague Mark Forman shared Smart Brevity with me a few months ago. With a career dedicated to the artistry of meaningful multi-media communications, I deeply respect Mark’s expertise.

His recommendation was a demonstration of Smart Brevity—and you know what? It got through!

When first encountering the frame, I had my resistances. My “but, but”s!

Yet it’s got me. And I’m glad it does.

It’s changing how I write—inviting greater care for the people who are reading my words, greater clarity about what my point is to begin with, and greater awareness of the context of the communication.

It’s also changing how I read—helping me find my way through the noise of content that comes at me.

To be clear: Smart Brevity isn’t about throwing away the artistry of writing. That’s precious and not to be diminished.

It’s simply that: context matters. A lot.

Why this matters for you?

For every attempt at communicating—whether through email, text, article, post, website, or even a note on the kitchen counter—there is a human being on the other side.

Help them to hear and understand what is important to you to communicate. Write for them, not just at them.

Smart Brevity:

You’ll thank me. Actually, thank Mark!

This message is part of my ‘self-as-experiment’ experiment!

I’ve been delaying and procrastinating with sending this message. ‘Accompaniment’ helped me over the hump.

That’s next week’s topic: accompaniment.

Will I actually send it next week? Let’s see what’s been made possible through that accompaniment!!!


Accompaniment: a real (and rare) gift

