It’s Enough…

As we turn the season, I am wishing for you a sweet sense of enough.

As messages roll into our inboxes and feeds next week with variations of “with just a little commitment, perseverance, investment, it/you/life will be better…”

Thank you, capitalism.
Mercy. For all of us.
It’s enough.

It’s enough
to let life
live through us.

To connect
with ourselves,
with those we hold dear,
with what brings us alive.

To listen
to the voice inside,
to the hungers and hopes stirring,
to the pulse of our hearts.

To honor
your life,
your love,
your journey.

And from the ground of your being—to live.

With respect for the life you are uniquely living, wishing you a nourishing turn of the season.





It is Time to ‘Dain’ Ourselves